Community Volunteering Project (CVP)
Through CVP we provide an opportunity to volunteer and do work placement. All volunteers are encouraged to undertake training to improve their skills and knowledge. This in turn improve the services provided by the organisation as a whole and their own career and job prospect.
Are you unemployed?
Do you have a skill which can help others in the community?
Would you like to learn a new skill or gain work experience?
Are you looking for work or do you have a few hours each week to spare?
Come to CVP at Action for Community Development (AfCD) and see how we can help you to help others.
While individual register to volunteer with us, we also received referrers from our network of organisations.
Placement are sent to us from Greenwich University, Lewisham College, Goldsmith University, South Bank to mentioned but a few.
What is the Community Volunteering Project?
Community Volunteering Project (CVP) is a volunteering and work placement project of AfCD. CVP is an opportunity to gain work experience, attend training courses and attain valuable skills.
Becoming a volunteer is easy! Volunteering gives you the chance to enjoy a variety of challenging and rewarding experiences.
It also enables you to meet new friends and gain life and work experiences in settings you may be unfamiliar with.
We have a range of volunteering opportunities which includes:
- Information Technology
- Bookkeeping or Accounting
- Project Management
- Health Promotion and Advocacy
- Office Administration
- IT tutor / IT technician
- Social Media
- Finance Officer
- Community Engagement Officer
- Bid Writing and Fundraising
- Marketing and Communication
- Research
- Legal Secretary
- Legal Adviser
- Any other skills that you have
You can contact our Volunteer Coordinator who will assess your skills and suggest an area where you can be of use to the community. Don’t worry if you have few or no qualifications or if your English is not too good – we can give training to help you, and everyone has some skill which is of use to others.
Why Volunteer?
It’s common knowledge that volunteers do a world of good for charities and the communities they serve. But people are also discovering that helping out can also bring many benefits for the volunteers themselves.
Did you know that over 70% of employers would hire a candidate with volunteering experience over someone who has never volunteered? Just a couple of hours a week can enhance your job prospects, help plug any gaps in your work experience and give you a range of new skills.
Volunteering also offers the chance to have amazing experiences and make friends with people from all walks of life.
It can help individuals develop the confidence to try out different things, while knowing that your skills are valued and contributing to your community can be a tremendous confidence boost.
And there are health benefits associated with volunteering. Medics say that ‘doing good in the community’ can give you, a heightened sense of well being, a stronger immune system and a speedier recovery from surgery.
We will provide you with:
- Experience and Reference
- Possibility of employment
- Free skills and Capacity Building Training
- Refreshment and out of pocket expenses paid
- You will make new friends
- Reduce loneliness and isolation

Youth Volunteering Project
Our project focuses on developing a future for young people aged 16-24 years, by building motivation and confidence. Young people will take part in volunteering, training in different areas such as Business Improvement Techniques (BIT), basic IT, customer service and administration. This will create a pathway for young peoples’ careers and experience for future careers.
View our application video for funding!
The Community Volunteering Project is set up to work alongside other partners to extend opportunities to people from the disadvantaged communities in the UK and help improve their chances for employment. Volunteers already recruited have a wide range of life experiences. We ask that volunteers be of age 18+, be able to commit 2-8 hours a week and have a willingness to learn.
We coordinate a range of activities in plain English, to help provide references and secure job placements.
Just call our centre and one of our dedicated staff members will assist on Tel: 0208 692 2277
Active citizenship
The UK Government wants to encourage migrants to integrate fully into society if they want to stay here permanently – so those who choose to take an active part in the community will be able to obtain citizenship two years earlier than those who do not.
To demonstrate active citizenship, a migrant might volunteer with a recognised organisation such as a charity, serve on a community body or take part in an activity that:
- Advances education or health
- Advances social and community welfare
- Advances heritage, arts, culture or sport
- Benefits the natural environment
- Benefits children, young people, elderly people, disabled people or other vulnerable groups; and/or involves mentoring or befriending

Some other reasons include:
- Learn new skills
- Share life experiences and skills
- Contribute to society by helping people who may be disadvantaged
- Meet new people
- Make new friends
- Give back to the community
- Make a difference
- Gain experience and contacts to help find paid employment
- Build self-confidence
- Have fun
- Socialise
- Stay active and engaged with the community
- Do something they’ve always wanted to do

For getting involved in volunteering with us, please fill out the form below.